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              ABOUT MRS. MONDESTIN


     Welcome back to school!  We are going to have a great year together!  We have new books and new technology (like iPads and this web site), and I have lots of ideas for new kinds of fun in class this year.


     I have been teaching English for 24 years.  I taught middle school English in Massachusetts, where I am originally from, high school English at the American school in Haiti, as well as high school ESL at the French Lycée Alexandre Dumas. I have taught both high school and primary school ESL here at Collège Stanislas, where I have been teaching for the past 8 1/2 years.


     During many summers, I have gone back to school at both the University of Massachusetts and McGill to keep learning how to be a better writer, teacher of writing and English teacher!  However, I spent this past summer in Haiti reuniting with family, friends and colleagues, hence the palm trees in the background of my daughters' picture!

     Some unique facts about me are:  I was in the Peace Corps for 2 years in Haiti. I have travelled to Ouagadougou, Burkino Faso. I spent my summers working in the White Mountains in New Hampshire at Lakes of the Clouds Hut with the Appalachian Mountain Club when I was in university.


     I grew up at Deerfield Academy, in Deerfield, Massachusetts, site of the 1706 massacre of English colonists by the French and First Nations peoples.  Many villagers were taken prisoner and marched north to Montreal, Kahnawake and Quebec City, in the middle of the winter! I love learning about early Colonial New England antiques, camping, speaking Creole and doing crossword puzzles!


I hope to learn about all of you, too, as the school year progresses.  What is one unique fact about you that you can share with me? 




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